Firefighter Response System
  • Firefighter Response SystemKnow who’s responding instantly after dispatched
  • Send phone calls, emails or SMS text messages
  • Dispatch centers have the overview over multiple fire agencies

Your need:

Traditionally, firefighters and dispatch centers do not know if enough personnel are available to react to a call until emergency personnel arrived at the fire station. Once there, the rescue team would then need to request additional resources and personnel, further lengthening the time to reach the emergency. Combined with the time required to reach the fire station, this situation could add 15 minutes to first responder and firefighter response times.

Our solution:

The Firefighter Response System gives dispatch centers and commanders the ability to know who is responding in real time. If the alert arrives via a standard pager, first responders can press a single button on a standard phone or with an Iphone App to relay information. Users at the fire station when the alert goes out can update their status directly through a computer.

Regardless of how the information is transmitted, it is available to dispatch center personnel and commanders via personal computers, tablet computers, mobile phones or any other device that is connected to the system, allowing instant access to first responder information and no need to wait at the fire station for the arrival of other members or to request additional resources. Everyone will know when a firfighter wants his team members to know: I am responding.

Additionally, fire stations can also setup scheduling systems that allow firefighters and first responders to call ahead and mark their availability in the system so that dispatchers know even before an incident occurs whether enough personnel will be available. Swissphone’s patented technology is the only system available that provides commanders and dispatch centers with an immediate overview of total available responders for multiple fire stations or first responder groups

The eNotify module is a mass-notification system that allows your agency to send out individual or bulk messages to email, SMS text, and mobile, home, or work phones. This feature is great for alerting special teams, sending out reminders, or polling agency personal about an upcoming function.